Zwei Interpretationen derselben Spiegelung in einer ordinären Pfütze an einem Wegrand. Die leichten Wellen auf der Pfützenoberfläche schufen eine sehr interessante Spiegelung, die mich stark an Ölgemälde erinnert hat. “Malen mit Licht” wird hier ergänzt durch “Malen mit dem digitalen Pinsel”.
Das “Original” findest du unter diesem Link hier.
Two interpretations of the same reflection in a ordinary puddle on the side of a road. The light waves on the surface puddles created a very interesting reflection that reminded me strongly of oil paintings. “Painting with Light” is supplemented by “painting with a digital brush”.
Please find the “original” can by clicking this link .
Yours truly
Starke Interpretationen. #1 gefällt mir persönlich besser, ist so schön bunt
Danke viemals, Ralf!
They are a treat for the eyes, Roland. First time on your blog, and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. Sometimes I need to be reminded how much I’ll miss if I get lazy. Thanks for the prod.
Thank you, David. I’m glad to have you here, which in turn made me visit your blog and let me enjoy your beautiful work and interesting thoughts. Consider me a returning visitor in the future.
Best regards,
Thanks, Roland. Look forward to seeing more of your work as well.
Stunning work!
Both are beautiful.
Many thanks, Sue.