To reach for the sky Posted on July 26, 2013 by Roland (click > zoom) Eine Primaballerina unter Tausenden. (Die zweite Annäherung an einen Löwenzahn). A prima ballerina among thousands. (The second encounter with a dandelion). Yours truly Share:EmailPinterestFacebookTwitterRedditBloggerTumblrPocket Related
Beautiful! So light and delicate; the essence of dandelion-ness. And, as a former dancer, I love the association with a prima ballerina. Reply ↓
Thank you so much, April. The dancer in you seems often to translate into your own shots. This is just as wonderful as your comments here. All the best, Roland Reply ↓
Danke vielmals für den Besuch und das Feedback, liebe Patricia.
Beautiful! So light and delicate; the essence of dandelion-ness.
And, as a former dancer, I love the association with a prima ballerina.
Thank you so much, April. The dancer in you seems often to translate into your own shots. This is just as wonderful as your comments here.
All the best,