(click > zoom)
Unterwegs. Von hier nach dort, von Gestern in Richtung Morgen. In gelenkten Bahnen scheinbar gefangen. Und doch zauberhaft, wenn man über die offensichtliche Bahn hinaus sieht.
(Ansicht der Lärmschutzglaswände der Tiefenaubrücke in Bern).
On the road. From here to there, from yesterday towards tomorrow. Seemingly caught in tight lanes. And yet enchanting, if one looks beyond the obvious.
(view of the noise barrier at the Tiefenau highway bridge in Bern).
Yours truly
As a child, I wanted to be a truck driver.
LOL. There will be a time when you get a second chance for your dreams.
This is unbelievable.
I like your post. Some parts are hard to understand for me, non-native english though… Do you know any good translate plugin for WordPress?