The garden of C.M.

Manchmal enthüllt der Blick nach Unten mehr Himmel, als der Blick nach Oben. Gerade dann, wenn nur noch die Schatten und Reflexionen der “obigen” Welt sich zeigen, lässt sich ihre wundervolle Qualität wirklich erahnen. Je weniger ich durch gegenständliche Erscheinungen in die Welt der Bewertung entführt werde, umso faszinierender wird die Welt. Ich stelle mir vor, dass der Meister C.M. bei der japanischen Brücke nicht mehr das Ding, sondern seine Seele gesehen hat. Davon lasse ich mich inspirieren.


Sometimes looking down reveals more heaven than looking up. The very moment, when only shadows and reflections of the “upside world” are visible, one can truly admire their inherent wonderful quality. The less the objective view of things lure me into a world of judgement, then more fascinating the world begins to be. I imagine that master C.M. at the japanese bridge didn’t see the thing anymore, but saw the soul of it. That’s what inspires me.

Yours truly

6 thoughts on “The garden of C.M.

  1. If I was going to shoot the same scene, I would have probably cut the the left and right side more so that those “green” semi-frames would be cropped out. But now that I see them in your photo, I like them. They have influenced the photo in the sense that they are adding the sense of smallness, coziness or personality to it.

  2. Thank you, bambadi. Yes, I feel the framing is important here. The sides help to contain the eye of the viewer in a defined area, which leads to more tranquility when looking at that scene. The square crop also supports the concept of a rather static scene. Here, movement only happens within very small areas and this is what I like.


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