Confined space | Eingeengter Raum

(click > zoom)

Wir schaffen immer wieder Bauwerke, sind stolz auf deren Dimensionen. Wir wenden immer wieder so viel Lebensenergie auf um “grosse Dinge zu bauen” – und vergessen den Blick in den Himmel zu richten um die wirklich grossen Dinge zu sehen, die uns immer umgeben.

We always create buildings, are proud of their dimensions. We use again and again so much life energy to “build great things” – and forget to look up to the sky to see the really big things that surround us all the time.

Yours truly

4 thoughts on “Confined space | Eingeengter Raum

  1. This is brilliant; one of my faves.

    Among other elements, love the gesture of the lamp posts. 🙂

    10mm lens! I had to peek, wondering if you captured using a pano technique.

    • April, the lamp posts remind me of a wasp’s sensor… And for the 10mm… yes, this is a baby I bought for I lost so many hours stitching shots. It’s the sigma 10-22mm and I love it for special moments and scenes.


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