Alte Freunde | Old friends

“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky,
We fell them down and turn them into paper,
That we may record our emptiness.”
— Khalil Gibran

Nachdem mich Bamdadi in seinem Blog zum Thema Bäume inspiriert hat, gönnte ich mir einen Gang durch mein Bilderarchiv, auf der Suche nach visualisierten Begegnungen mit Bäumen. Immer dann, wenn ich mich auch Heute noch von einem Bild angesprochen fühlte, habe ich es hier in diesen Blog-Beitrag eingefügt. So entstand eine Sammlung ohne weitere Gliederung.
Lass dich durch die Menge der Bilder nicht stressen… nimm dir hie und da etwas Zeit, dich auf die Bilder einzulassen und benutze dazu die grösseren Versionen – click > zoom! Viel Vergnügen!

Being inspired by Bamdadi’s blog posts about trees, I indulged in a walk through my picture archive looking for visualized encounters with trees. Whenever I found a picture that still resonates with me, I’ve copied it into this blog post. That’s how the collection was created, with no additional grouping or sorting.
Don’t get stressed by the amount of pictures… just pick those that resonate with you and enjoy them in the bigger size – click > zoom! Enjoy!

(Island of sleeping dreams)

Erleuchteter Baum
Nadeln wiegen den Schnee
und meine Seele
(Thomas Gross)

(click > zoom)

(Natural Illusion – in my series “AMOS – A Matter Of Scale”)

Umgefallener Baum mit Moosbewuchs. Die Rinde wurde in dieser Nahaufnahme selber zu einer Landschaft mit Baum- und Strauchbewuchs.

Fallen tree with moss tufts. In this closeup shot, the bark became a landscape itself…

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(The caravan moves on)

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The time was right and the caravan moved on…

(Winter silence)

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(Starting the year in freshness)

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(Traces N°59 – from the Sternspuren-Traces series)

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(Beyond time)

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(The girl and the tree)

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(Two brothers standing tall)

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(The man and the tree)

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(The sea of possibilities)

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(The guardian)

(click > zoom)

Yours truly

9 thoughts on “Alte Freunde | Old friends

  1. Das 4 Bild von unten ist mein Lieblingsbild. Ich mag Bäume auch sehr gerne…

    Darf ich Dich drauf hinweisen, dass der verlinkte Blog Bam-D-adi gehört?

    Viele Grüße von Ruthie

  2. Interesting.
    It is very hard for me to take wide-angle shots from trees. There are too many parameters to control and most of the time I cannot control them the way I like. Therefore, I tend to get closer to the trees. The more I get closer, the more control I have over the few elements that I want to show.

    Your photos are mostly wide angle, covering the whole body of a tree or sometime many trees, including the context and the landscape. I appreciate it.

    We probably can talk about each of these photos here. I figured that the file name of photos have title in them, I suggest put a number or those titles in the body of the post as well, so it is easier to refer to them in comments.

    I like almost all of these “‘tree” photos for various reasons. Excellent collection… Thanks for sharing them with us.

    • Thank you kindly, bambadi. Unlike you, I do struggle to abstract trees in photographs. I have less hard a time to approach them slowly and try to capture their “aura”… their entire radiation. Like you, I feel very special about trees and I sure will continue to try to capture their beauty. I first thought to post them one by one, but then felt that’s not very fair for visitors…

      I will update the post above and include my “working titles” for them. If you feel like discussing some of them, I am most happily with you.


  3. Eigentlich wollte ich die Baum-Bilder einzeln kommentieren. Aber bereits beim dritten wurde mir klar – geht nicht. Die sind alle so märchenhaft schön, dass mir beinahe wehmütig zumute wird. Egal, wo und was und wie bearbeitet wurde (wer bearbeitet heutzutage nicht?), die Bilder sind ein Traum.
    Dankeschön, Roland!

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